Saturday 18 February 2017

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FreaKy The ancient Maya tribes used this receipt to maintain their males sexually healthy Xenophon I. Lisin This is something there. Thanks for the advice, how can I thank you Thomas P. Bashutin He shook a hand to the author, and gave the face to all his haters. 9 of 10 on the basis of 18145 ReviewPakistan is the sixth most populous nation in the world. Below is a list of such people who belong or relate in some way to this nation. Heads of State or Government Muhammed Ali Jinnah Ghulam Mohammed Liaqat Ali Khan Sir Feroz Khan Noon Chaudhury Mohammad Ali Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Gen. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq Muhammad Khan Junejo Benazir Bhutto Zafarullah Khan Jamali Ghulam Ishaq Khan Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi Iskander Mirza Moeen Qureshi Balakh Sher Mazari Khawaja Nazimuddin Nawaz Sharif Hussein Shaheed Suhrawardy Shaukat Aziz Muhammad Rafeeq Tarrar Martial Law Administrators Ayub Khan (19581969) Yahya Khan (1969 1971) Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (1977 1988) Pervez Musharraf (1999 - Incumbent) Other Major (Historical) Political Figures Allama Muhammad Iqbal Fatima Jinnah Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Maulana Mohammad Ali Choudhary Rahmat Ali Bahadur Yar Jung G. M. Syed Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan Khawaja Nazimuddin Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy Famous Politicians Allama Mashriqi Mian Tufail Mohammad Muhammad Ijaz-ul-Haq malik amjad ali noon Other PoliticalReligious Figures Qudrat Ullah Shahab Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri Muhammad Taqi Usmani Muhammad Rafi Usmani Dr Humayun Abbas Shams Maulana Tariq Azam Shaheed Maulana Mufti Shamzai Shaheed Maulana Hazrat Yousuf Ludhiyanvi Shaheed Syed Ali Nawaz Shah Rizvi Allama Hassan Turabi Shaheed Maulana Tariq Jamil Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi Allama Ehsan Ellahi Zaheer Altaf Shakoor Amir Abdullah Khan Rokhri Muhammad Ilyas Qadri Allama Talib Jauhri Abdul Hakeem Mujtahid Maulana Hashmat Ali Shah Allama Rasheed Turabi Altaf Hussain Aslam Khattak Khan Abdul Wali Khan Fazlur Rehman Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi Asfandyar Wali Khan Ajmal Khattak Sherbaz Mazari Sardar Attaullah Mengal Shabbir Ahmad Rao Rais Hakim Ali Zardari Sheikh Amin Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan Mian Umar Hayat Khurshid Ahmed Kasuri Maulana Shah Ahmed Norani Maulana Samiul Haq Maulana Kausar Niazi Mufti Mahmood Nawab Khalid Khakwani Nawabzada Musa Khakwani Qazi Hussain Ahmed Sardar Amir Azam Sardar Mehtab Ahmed Khan Abbasi Gohar Ayub Khan Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Benazir Bhutto Asif Ali Zardari Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi Dr. Israr Ahmed Sheikh Kashif Ibn Khalid Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain Dr. Safdar Sarki Dr. Ghulam Murtaza Ishaq Khan Khakwani Khurshid Shah Nasim Ur Rehman Qaim Ali Shah Chiragh Ali Hakeem Allama Naseem Abbas Rizvi Allama Agha Zameer-ul-Hassan Najafi Syed Ahmad Anwar Shah Murtaza Bhutto Mir Shahnawaz Bhutto Syed Baryab Hussain Naqvi Allama Abbas kumaili Allama Arif Husain al Husiani Dr. Mohammad Ali Naqvi Shaheed Agha Zia-ud-Din Rizvi Joseph Cordeiro Malik Anwer Ali Noon Khalid Q Awan Arshad Nawaz Malik Famous Social Scientists Dr. Syed Ali Wasif, President, Society For International Reforms And Research, Washington DC, USA Dr. Feroze Khowaja Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan Dr. Mehboob-ul-Haq Dr. Hafiz Ahmed Pasha Dr. Zeba Ayesha Sathar Human Rights Activists and Philanthropists Dr. Syed Ali Wasif, Secretary General, Human Rights Group of Pakstan, Karachi. Abdul Sattar Edhi Altaf Shakoor Ruth Pfau Ansar Burney Hakim Mohammed Said Afrasiab Khattak Iqbal Haider Justice Dorab Patel I. A. Rahman Hizbullah Kehar Hussain Naqi Aziz Siddiqui Ahsan M. Saleem Zia Awan Advocate Qari Nishan Ali Abbasi Malik Arshad Nawaz Waqas Ahmed Scholars and Scientists Prof. Dr. Farid A. Khwaja, Physics, Education, Director General, National Institute of Electronics and National Physical Standards Labs. Former Direct General of NISTE. Dr. Syed Ali Wasif, Professor, International Law Politics Dr. Shahzad Shams Neurosurgeon of Pakistan Professor Ata-ur-Rehman Also Minister of Science amp Technology Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan Founder of Pakistans nuclear programme Professor Salimuzzaman Siddiqui Professor Dr Abdus Salam Nobel Laureate in Physics 1979 Dr Naveed Iqbal Physicst and Nuclear Engineer, Research scholar in Condensed Matter Physics, at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Dr. Malik Nazir Ahmed . Chair, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Institute of Avionics amp Aeronautical Engineering, Air University Islamabad Dr. Aamir Zafar Khan Hepatopancreatobiliary and Laparoscopic Surgeon Dr. Abdullah Quddus Pioneer cardiologist surgeon. Professor Dr Asif Hasan Qureshi, Law School, University of Manchester, UK Dr. Prof. Abdul Qadeer Rajput Vice Chancellor, Mehran University of Engg. amp Tech. Jamshoro. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Kemal, former Director of PIDE Mr. Munir Ahmad Khan, nuclear engineer, Chairman Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)1972-1991, Chairman Board of Governors IAEA, 1986-87. Professor Ahmad Hasan Dani Professor Akbar S. Ahmed holds Ibn Khaldun seat at American university Dr Anjum P. Saleemi, Linguist and Cognitive Scientist Dr. Arshad Saleem Bhatti, Expert in Semiconductor Physics, Chairman, Phyics Department CIIT, Islamabad, Pakistan. Dr. Arif Zaman, Computer Scientist, Head of Computer Science Faculty at Lahore University of Management Sciences. Professor Ayesha JalalScholar and Educationist and Religious and Spiritual leader, Hyderabad, Pakistan. Dr. afa Rahu, Commisioner of Income Tax, Karachi, Pakistan. Medical Doctor, PHD, Pediatricion Dr. Hafeez A. Pasha Dr. Javaid Laghari Dr. Khalida Ghous M. D. SPDC. Dr. Talat A. Wizarat Prof. Syed Sikander Mehdi Dr. Moonis Ahmar Dr. Rafat Karim, Shakespearean Research Scholar amp Educationist, Karachi, Pakistan Dr. Javed Hussain, Anthropologist, Head of Department of Social Sciences, IBA, Karachi Javed Ahmed Ghamidi author of Mizan and director of Al-Mawrid Institute of Islamic Sciences Dr. Kaiser Bengali, Dr. Mahbub ul Haq Dr. Mahnaz Fatima Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, Dr. Syed Hassan Raza Gilani Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, Nuclear Scientist, Chairman, National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM) Dr. Shahid Hussain Bokhari Fellow IEEE and ACM Dr. Umar Saif Computer Scientist working on Developing World Technologies Yousuf Siddiki, holder of the Guinness World Records for youngest CPA, noted for work in Islamic Banking Zahid Jan, listed in major Whos Who directories, from Peshawar. born on December 22, 1978. Gordhan Das Valasai, conducting research on quotThe Least Cost Power Generation Options for Pakistanquot, at Mehran University of Engineering amp Technology, Jamshoro. Kashif Idrees . Computer Professional working establishing unified Project Management Unit in Pakistan Tahir Yaqub, Master in Mechatronic Engineering, Researcher and PhD Scholar in an Australian University. Dr. Khalid Iqbal, Professor and Chairman Department of Neurochemistry, New York State Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities, New York Arshad nawaz Malik Arshad Nawaz. A famous prominent political personality of Pakistan Peoples Party Khushab and Bhalwal of Ali Pur Noon Sargodha and famous ex-police officer of Federal Investigation Agency of Pakistan FIA. Arts, Literature amp Mass Media persons Naseem Amrohvi (Author, Scholar, Poet, Lexicographer, liguist, Author of pakistans first official urdu dictionary) Shah Sharahbeel Dr. Anwar Ahmad Professor, Dr Tariq Salahuddin(One of the top Neuro Surgens of the world) Writers amp Poets A useful place to see a list that overlaps with this one is List of Urdu poets. A. S. Bokhari A. Waliuddin Abdul Ghani Khan Adrian A. Husain Ajmal Khattak Alamgir Hashmi Alauddin Masood Altaf Fatima Amar Jaleel Anwar Masood Anwar Maqsood Ahmad Faraz Ahmed Ali Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi Muhammad Ahsan Butt Anis Nagi Ayaz Alam Abro Asif Farrukhi Ata Ul Haq Qasmi Attaullah Khan (Punjabi poet) Bano Qudsia Bapsi Sidhwa Darya Khan Rind Daud Kamal Ejaz Rahim Faiz Ahmed Faiz Farida Faizullah Fatima Bhutto Fazil Jamili Fazlur Rahman G Allana Khan Ghufran khan Khawaja Reazuddin Atash Khawar Chaudhry Gulzar Bano Habib R. Sulemani Habib Rahman Baig Hakim Said Hasan Askari Sahar Abidi Iftikhar Arif Ihsan Danish Ilona Yusuf Imtiaz Ali Taj Ishfaq Ahmad Ishtiaq Baig Jamal Abro Javid Iqbal Jon Elia Kamila Shamsie Masood Amjad Ali Mirza Hasan Askari Moeen Faruqi Mona Hassan M. Athar Tahir Mohammad Iqbal Muhammad Akram Khan Muhammad Iqbal Naz Muhammad Izhar ul Haq Muhammad Munawwar Mirza Mehmood ul Hasan Kokab Dr Syed Muhammed Saeed Shah Dr Syed Mehboob Muneeza Shamsie Mumtaz Mufti Mushtaq Ahmad Yusufi Mushfiq Khwaja (Author, poet and scholar) Naseer Ahmad Nasir Naseem Amrohvi (Author, Scholar, Poet, Lexicographer, liguist, Author of pakistans first official urdu dictionary) Nasim Yousaf Nasir al-Din Nasir Hunzai Noon Meem Rashid Nuzhat Siddiqui Obaidullah Aleem Pareshan Khattak Parveen Shakir Ustad Qamar Jalalvi Syed Qudrat Naqvi Qudrat Ullah Shahab Rais Amrohvi Raja Tridev Roy Saeed Rashid Saadat Hasan Manto Saadat Saeed Sake Dean Mahomet Syeda Sana Sajid Naqvi Shahbano Bilgrami Shaikh Ayaz Shaukat Siddiqui Sheryar Singha Sobho Gianchandani Soofia Ishaque Suheyl Umar Syed Kashif Raza Tariq Alam Abro Tariq Ali Dr Tassaduq Hussain Raja Taufiq Rafat Dr Wazir Agha Yousaf Saleem Chishti Wasif Ali Wasif Zahid Ahmed (Artist, writer, National College of Arts) Zahid Dara Abro Zaib-un-Nissa Hamidullah Zamir Jafri Actors and Actresses Film TV Stage Abid Ali Anjuman Aqeel YosufXai Babar Ali Ejaz Aslam Ghulam Mohiyoudeen Humayoon Saeed Irsa Ghazal Moamar Rana Moin Akhter Muhammad Ali Munawar Zareef Mustafa Qurashi Nadeem Baig Nadia Khan Nuzhat Talib Nisho Omar Rao Qavi Khan Raisham Rani Reema Sohail Ahmed Sabiha Khanum Sana Saima Santosh Kumar Shaan Shafi Mohammad Shah Shahid Saeed Khan Rangeela Shabnam Sultan Rahi Talat Hussain Umer Sharif Waheed Murad Zaiba Zaiba Bakhtiar Artists amp Painters Ayaz Alam Abro Abdul Rehman Chughtai Ajaz Anwar Amin Gul Jee Anna Molka Ahmed Dara Abro Hajra Mansur Iqbal Mehdi Ismail Gul Jee Lubna Agha Mansur Rahi Mala Iqbal Moeen Faruqi Mohammad Ali Munawar Abro Nadia Janjua Rabia Zuberi Sadequain Amrohvi Shakir Ali Shahid Mahmood (editorial cartoonist) Sheraz Sherry Template:Suhail Ahmad Uzma Kazmi Zafar Kazmi Zahid Dara Abro Zahid Ahmed (Artist, writer, National College of Arts) Zubeida Agha Dr. Syed Ali Wasif Kafeel Bhai Journalists Mumtaz Hamid Rao, Pakistan Television Aslam Malik, Newpaper Ataleeq Shakir Husain, columnist at the news, spider, aurora, chowk Syed Atiq ul Hassan, homepage sauhassan M. Haroon Abbas Qamar. Al Qamar Online Tahir Ikram, CNBC Pakistan Qamar Moheuddin, Pakistan Television. Islamabad Nadeem Malik, CNBC Pakistan, Islamabad Mujahid Barelvi Mushtaq Minhas President Rawalpindi Islamabad Press Club Javed Malik Adil Najam Zaib-un-Nissa Hamidullah Hamid Mir Mubashir Zaidi Salman Hassan Ardeshir Cowasjee Mirza Hassan Askari Eqbal Ahmad Mishal Hussain Rahimullah Yousufzai Ashar Qureshi Mazhar Ali Khan Lady Nadira Zamir Niazi Fazil Jamili Saleem Safi Dr. Shahid Masood Syed Kashif Raza Hameed Nizami Ahmed Rashid Najam Sethi Imran Aslam Nadeem F. Paracha Iqbal Jafri Hasan Jafri Kamal Siddiqi Idrees Bakhtiar Sherry Rahman Maliha Lodhi Rehana Hakim Fauzia Shaheen Khaled Ahmed Nisar Abbas Tahir Mirza M Ziaudin Farman Ali Rafique Jalal Mehmood Sham Raja Hussain Khan Maqpoon Khalid Hasan Habib R. Sulemani Nawaz Raza C. R. Shamsi Pervaz Shaokat Hanif Khalid iftikhar kazmi Editor, director news Bedar Bakht Butt D. Shaw Khan Irfan Husain Fahd Husain Syed Saud Zafar Gul Hameed Bhatti Razia Bhatti Malik Siraj Akbar Siddiq Baluch Nargis Baluch Abdul Qayyum Safi Azra Rashid Producer, CNBC Pakistan Hina Malik Talk Show Host, CNBC Pakistan Zarar Khan Mahtab Aziz Freelance journalist Shahnawaz Farooqui Phyza Jameel Faizan Lakhani Shahrukh Hasan (Group Managing Editor, Jang Group, The News International) Mudasser Aziz Reporter, AAJ TV, Karachi, Pakistan Amjad Aziz Reporter Producer, AAJ TV, Karachi, Pakistan Jalil Ud Din Syed kalbe Ali Surendar Valasai First English Media Journalist from Dalit communities of Pakista Mujahid Hussain Investigative journalist Rana Faheem Aslam Kashif Munir Fauzia ShaheenEditor monthly newsmagazine Mazhar Iqbal Hanan Ali Abbasi Qazi Abdul Majeed Abid (Founder of The Daily Ibrat Group of Newspapers, Sindh, Pakistan) Qazi Asad Abid (Editor in Chief, The Daily Ibrat Group of Newspapers, Sindh, Pakistan) (Only person to be elected 8 times as the Secretary - General of the All Pakistan Newspaper Society, APNS) Muhammad Aslam Kazi (founder of Daily Kawish, Sindhi newspaper aswell as KTN and Kashish, Sindhi tv channels) Musicians and Bands Anoushey Ashraf Mani (born Salman Saquib) Faizan Haq Dino Fakhr-e-Alam Naveen Mohsin Ahmed Waqar zaka Verdafi Natasha Abdul Hafeez Kardar Abdul Razzaq Danish Kaneria Hanif Mohammad (the Little Master ) Imran Khan Inzamam-ul-Haq Javed Burki Javed Miandad Kamran Akmal Moin Khan Mohammad Yousuf (formerly Yousuf Youhana Sarfraz Nawaz Shahid Khan Afridi Shoaib Akhtar (the Rawalpindi Express ) Shoaib Malik Waqar Younis (the Burewala Express ) Wasim Akram Younis Khan Zaheer Abbas (the Asian Bradman ) Shahbaz Ahmad Sohail Abbas Shahid Ali Khan Tahir Karamat Farhan Mirza Khurram Hussain Agha Latif Atiq Bukhsh Syed Mesam Ali Zaidi Mohammed Yousuf Naveen Perwani Saleh Mohammed Sayed Shah Shokat Ali Hashim Khan Jahangir Khan Jansher Khan Ahsan Raza Shah Zesh Rehman Essa Khan Jaffer Khan Usman Gondal A. S. Bokhari Sahabzada Yaqub Khan Ashraf Jehangir Qazi Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri Ch. Abdul Hameed Khan Maliha Lodhi Masood Khan Syed Mohammad Inaamullah Jamshed Marker HE Tahir Schon Tariq M. Mir Military personalities Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Nishan-E-Haider Major Tufail Muhammad Shaheed (1914August 7, 1958) Nishan-E-Haider Captain Muhammad Sarwar Shaheed (1910July 27, 1948) Nishan-E-Haider Major Muhammad Akram Shaheed (19381971) Nishan-E-Haider Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas Shaheed (1951August 20, 1971) Nishan-E-Haider Major Shabbir Sharif Shaheed (1943December 6, 1971) Nishan-E-Haider Sowar Muhammad Hussain Shaheed (1949December 10, 1971) Nishan-E-Haider Lance Naik Muhammad Mahfuz Shaheed (1944December 17, 1971) Nishan-E-Haider Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed (1970July 5, 1999) Nishan-E-Haider Lalak Jan Shaheed (1967July 7, 1999) Nishan-E-Haider Naik Saif Ali Janjua Shaheed, (19221948) Hilal-e-Kashmir equaliant Nishan-E-Haider Lieutenant General Javed Nasir, Directorate ISI (1991-1993) Major General Akhtar Hussain Malik, 1965 war hero General Iftikhar Janjua, 1971 hero of Runn Kutch General Mirza Aslam Beg, former Chief of Army Staff (COAS), think tank head General Jehangir Karamat former Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Ambassador to the United States General Hakeem Arshad General Pervez Musharraf, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), President General Rahimuddin Khan, famed 7-year Martial Law Governor of Balochistan and provincial hero General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, late Chief of Army Staff (COAS) and President General A. A.K. Niazi Tiger Niazi Squadron Leader Muhammad Mehmood Alam Squadron Leader Sarfraz Rafiqui Brigadier Muhammad Hayat Khan Sitara-e-jurat, War hero 1948,1965 and 1971 wars Prominent BusinessmenIndustrialists Groups of Companies Salman Awan , quotDirector - Insaf Fabricsquot Zaheer Mirza , quotChairman - Engineering Consulrants International (Pvt) Ltd (ECIL)quot quotChairman - ECIL group of Companiesquot quotFounding Member - Association of Consulting Engineers Pakistanquot quotMember PEC Executive commetteequot quotFounder of First Consulting Engineering Company in Pakistanquot Zaheeruddin CEO-Shahzad International Group of Companies, Oil and Gas, Gold and Minerals Mining, Geological surveys, Defence supplies, Travel and Tour Operators, Flash security services and Trading Worldwide. Javed Ali Khan Managing Director Pioneer Cement Limited . Director Noon Group of Companies Mr Khalid Saifullah Chief Executive, Asian Business Federation UK Mr Sheryar Choudhry CEO, G-3 Advertising Inc. NYC USA Muhammad Saleem Nasir Civil Eng, Contractor and Builder MSN Group H. E. Tahir Schon - Schon Group . President - Dubai Lagoon . Hon. Consul General Republic of Gambia. Syed Ali Raza Gilani - Real Estate, Telecoms Tariq A. Hassan - Banking, BPO The Buying Triangle Mian Mansoor Iqbal (Managing Director), Manufacturers and Exporters of Leather, Dada Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd Mian Muhammad Naseem Shafi Leather, Chemicals and Textile Shafi Group Anwar Yahya owner of BP and AB Industries Humayun Javed - Stock Exchange, Steel, Coal, Mutual Fund, Media. WE Financial Services Ltd. Ahmad Dawood Textile, Engineering, Chemicals Dawood Group Abbas Sarfaraz Sugar, Chemicals Premier Group Iqbal Ali Lakhani Tobacco, Consumer Goods, Internet, Media Lakson Group Mian Mohammad Mansha Banking, Cement, Textiles Nishat Group Tariq Saeed Saigol Textiles, Cement Kohinoor Group Nasir Schon Schon Group Nasim Saigol Manufacturing, Banking Ghulam Muhammad A. Fecto Tractors, Sugar, Cement Fecto Group of Industries Bashir Ali Mohammad Textiles, Energy, Banking Gul Ahmed Group Syed Babar Ali Consumer Goods Packages Group Ghulam Faruque Cement, Sugar, Engineering, Shipping Ghulam Faruque Group Yusuf Shirazi Automobiles, Finance Atlas Group Sadruddin Hashwani Hotels Hashoo Group Tariq Niazi Politics, Tractors, Transport, Lands, Chip Board Niazi Group Mohammad Ali Habib Banking, Automobiles House of Habib Khalid Abbas Khan Niazi Tractors, Transport, Trading, Real Estate Niazi Group Javed Saifullah Khan Telecom, Textile Saif Group of Companies Aqeel Zaheer Lari Hydrosealers Associates (Pvt.) Ltd. Dewan Yousuf Farooqui Automobiles, Sugar, Textile, Cement Dewan Group Ahmed Nawaz Khan President Saif Energy Ltd Jehangir Monnoo Millionaire . Textile, Sugar, Agriculture Monnoo Group Mian Muhammad Latif Textile Chenab Group Munawar Khan Automobile, Textile, Steel, Oil and Ghee, Agriculture Ahmed Group Aamir Hayat Khan Rokhri Transport, Beverages, Land, Politics, Clubs Rokhri Group Kazi Zulkader Siddiqui, MIT, Construction, Security, International Business, NGO Techcorp Group Habibullah Khattak Automobile, Textile Gandhara Nissan Motors and General Tyres Mir Shakil ur Rehman Media Jang Group Nadeem B j Sheikh Stock Exchange. Pharmaceuticals Hameed Haroon, Media, Dawn Group Fazal Din Group, Millionaire . Conglomerate Fazal Din amp Sons Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain Textile, Sugar Chaudhry Group Khurram Saleem Kobra Meditech. Laser X Medi Group Sajjad Hussain Honda Rizvi Trave RIZVI Awais Saeed paracha tyre dealer ( known as king kong in tyre industry ) millionaire Khadim Ali Shah Bukhari Billionaire . Stock Exchange, Banking, Education KASB . Nasir Ali Shah Bukhari Chairman KASB Group (KASB Bank) Official website Usman Ashraf Carpet export and manufacturing, Real estate Usman Carpet House M. P. Bhandara owner of Murree Brewery Khurram Z. Malik Sialkot Shaikh Muhammad Farooq Magoon owner of Daikin (AAA Private Ltd) Mian Rafique Saigol Mohammad Khurram Minhas President amp CEO Orchid Homes (Home Builders) Adamjee Group Adamjee Group of Companies Agha Hasan Abedi, Banker, founder of BCCI Aftab Ahmed Vohra Chief Executive of VOHRA Group of Companies amp MUGHAL AGENCIES Chaudhary Shahnawaz Millionaire . Shahnawaz Textiles Ltd. Shahtaj Sugars, Shahtaj Textiles, Sheezan Juices and Food, Shahnawaz Fruit Farms, Shahnawaz Automobiles (Mercedes Supplier and Service Provider in Pakistan). Mr. Nasier A. Sheikh, COO, Askari Leasing Mr. Ajaz Sheikh, Director of Food and Beverage, The Lanesborough, Hyde Park, London, United Kingdom SAEED A MINHAS President amp CEO SAM Builders ISLAMABAD amp Austin TX USA H. E Faisal Farooque, CEO - Universal biometric, UB Group of Companies Pre-Independence Personalities Daswandi Khan Ghazi Abdul Qayyum Shaheed


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