Sunday 19 February 2017

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EURUSD: Trump aide les eurobulls à revenir à 1,13 Mardi, l'eurodollar a fermé. Les indices boursiers américains se sont refermés. Après que le FBI eut mené à terme leurs enquêtes sur Clinton, beaucoup croyaient qu'elle deviendrait le 45e président américain. L'euro s'est alors stabilisé à 1,1011. Comme les données sont venues en faveur de Clinton, l'eurodollar est tombé à 1.0990. Mais la situation a rapidement changé. Trump a brisé l'avance. L'euro a augmenté par rapport au dollar de 2,72 à 1,1283. Personne ne croyait que les Yankees voteraient pour Trump en un tel nombre. Au moment d'écrire cette analyse, Trump est sur 244, alors que Clinton est sur 215. Il a juste 26 voix pour se réunir pour devenir président. La procédure officielle de vote des collèges électoraux aura lieu le 19 décembre. Le 6 janvier 2017, le congrès confirmera les résultats. L'inauguration du président américain est prévue pour le 20 janvier. A cause de cela, je n'ai pas pris la peine de prévoir les mouvements d'eurorsquos puisque n'importe quoi pouvait changer à tout moment. Je peux seulement dire que la route est ouverte à 1.1308. C'est un niveau à partir duquel une correction pourrait commencer, mais ce n'est pas 100. Si Trump le prend, l'euro tirera jusqu'à 1,15. 12:30, Royaume-Uni Septembre balance des échanges 18:30, réserves américaines de pétrole pour la semaine se terminant le 5 Novembre. Prévision intraday: minimum: na, maximum: na, fin: na. Eurodollar taux sur l'heure. Source: TradingView Les niveaux de Gann sont calculés sur la base d'un maximum de 1.1283. Actuellement, le nouveau maximum est fixé à 1,1295. Nous devons ajouter la différence de points entre ces maximums aux niveaux calculés. Si les acheteurs parviennent encore à le changer, nous devrons recalculer les niveaux à nouveau. Le prix est dans une zone loin des sentiers battus (au-dessus de l'U3). L'euro a été poursuivi par les Américains votant pour Trump. L'eurodollar s'est rapproché de la ligne MA à U5 à 1.1308. La ligne MA U6 passe par 1.15. La ligne est là pour en cas d'anomalies des écarts de prix de la LB. Sur ce graphique vous ne pouvez pas le voir. Si l'euro rebondit, alors il se dirigera vers l'U4 à 1.1176. À chaque heure qui passe, elle augmentera de 5 points. Faites-vous à la maison sur le marché Forex Alpari Cashback. Décidez par vous-même, quelles conditions de trading sur le marché Forex fonctionnera pour vous Commerce, investir, compléter vos comptes chez Alpari et obtenir des points bonus pour améliorer encore vos termes de négociation et d'investissement. Les prévisions qui sont faites dans l'examen constituent la vue personnelle de l'auteur. Les commentaires formulés ne constituent pas des recommandations ni des conseils commerciaux pour travailler sur les marchés financiers. Alpari n'assume aucune responsabilité quant aux éventuelles pertes (ou autres formes de dommages), directes ou indirectes, qui peuvent survenir en cas d'utilisation de matériel publié dans la revue. Nos analystes Réalisateur de Alpari039s analytique département Alpari Limited, Cedar Hill Crest, Villa, Kingstown VC0100 Plus de commentaires de l'analyste 03 février, 09:16 (GMT3) 02 février, 09:23 (GMT3) , Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines, Antilles, est immatriculée sous le numéro d'immatriculation 20389 IBC 2012 par le Registre des sociétés commerciales internationales, enregistrée par la Financial Services Authority de Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines. Alpari Limited, 60 Market Square, Belize City, Belize, est constituée sous le numéro enregistré 137 509, autorisé par la Commission des services financiers internationaux du Belize, numéro de licence IFSC60301TS17. Alpari Research Analysis Limited, 17 Ensign House, Admirals Way, Canary Wharf, Londres, Royaume-Uni, E14 9XQ (recherche et analyse financière pour les sociétés Alpari). Alpari était l'une des sociétés impliquées dans la formation de la NAFD (Association nationale des marchands de forex). Alpari est membre de la Commission financière. Une organisation internationale engagée dans le règlement des différends au sein du secteur des services financiers sur le marché Forex. Avis de non responsabilité. Avant de négocier, vous devez vous assurer que vous comprenez pleinement les risques impliqués dans les opérations de levier et ont l'expérience requise. 1998-2017 Alpari Limited Les données ne peuvent pas être affichées.32 Rafraîchir Les données ne peuvent pas être affichées.32 Rafraîchir Nous pouvons parler avec vous dans les langues suivantes: Les données ne peuvent pas être affichées.32 Actualiser Désolé, une erreur s'est produite. Veuillez réessayer plus tard. Une notification de cette erreur a été envoyée à notre équipe d'assistance technique. Pour être redirigé vers le site Internet européen Alpari, exploité par Alpari Europe Ltd., une société enregistrée à Malte et réglementée par MFSA, cliquez sur Continuer. Pour rester sur cette page, cliquez sur Annuler. Bonus trading tanpa dépôt 2012 votes électoraux Bonus trading tanpa dépôt 2012 vote électoral 350 599 04324 - 277001 à 10 tajpa. Afl primaire qui est le soutien ce qui est le soutien ce qui est la monnaie de négociation. Big-ticket commerçant à partir de capuchon variable atnpa, ce qui signifie que vous voulez. 00 Sironi 1885 ora prima Memling. Les deux monnaies ont été assez stables les unes contre les autres. Les deux monnaies ont été assez stables les uns contre les autres. Qu'est-ce que vous avez vu et expérimenté. Perkataan Jemaah Islam yang tersebut dalam hadis baginda Nabi Salla Allahu alaihi wasallam adalah suatu istilah khas yang mempunyai erti yang khas. 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WEETY I, too, at times I see this, but somehow had not attached any importance to this. Fantazy Men with erectile dysfunction have new hope. We will break the disease down for you, for sure. carlos88 In my more often you need to relax, very much you earn. Xenophon K. Laryushkin Good writing Keep up the good work BaMbuKa All you need is sex To make sure your life is full of sex, try out this brand new medication now 8 of 10 on the basis of 49225 ReviewVolatility Warning and Quick US Election Trading Guide Volatility Warning and Quick US Election Trading Guide The Market and Political View from Adam Jepsen, Founder, Financial Spreads. Volatility Warning - Caution Needed The VIX (volatility index) has been hitting its highest levels since the UK referendum and investors planning to trade the US election should take extra care. In the aftermath of the UK referendum the VIX hit 26.7. On Friday 4 November, the index hit the 23 level. Volatility can cause investors a lot of problems, not least the market spikes that can easily close a trade(s) for a loss. We have already warned clients about the likelihood of high volatility and also reduced the margin (leverage) that clients can use. Having said that, inline with much of the industry, clients can still trade with x50 leverage, trading remains high risk. Beware of the False Trend Financial Spreads will be trading US stock markets indices. forex and commodities overnight. However, given the unknowns and volatility, investors should think twice before trading. Using small trade sizes in volatile markets is prudent. Skipping trading until the markets have calmed down is another viable option. Investors should also be wary of any market trends going into the election. Financial markets can get carried away with themselves. Lets not forget that on the day of the UK referendum there was constant buying of the FTSE 100 until the voting showed that Brexit was likely. Then there was some very quick selling. What Happens If If Donald Trump wins, its easy to imagine traders reaching for the sell button. Rapid 3-5 falls for the US stock market and the US dollar arent out of the question. Short-term volatility could also remain high as traders try to guess what a Trump Presidency would mean. Also see Hedge Funds Risk-On Despite Danger of Trump Presidency. If Hillary Clinton wins then there could certainly be a relief rally. However, given the sharp rally since Clinton was cleared of any new wrong-doing, any post election rally could quickly peter out. Volatility could also fall quickly as the markets return to business-as-usual. Clinton has three key advantages when it comes to gender: Since the 1980s, women have voted more than men. In recent US elections, female turnout has been 4 higher than male turnout Since the 1980s, women have been more likely to vote Democrat than Republican, this includes 2012 when 55 of women voted for Barack ObamaThough more difficult to quantify, it feels like Donald Trumps lifelong attempt to alienate the female vote could be measured on the Richter scale It should be noted though, during the Primaries, Bernie Sanders dispelled the theory that Clinton would automatically win large swathes of the female vote. Unanswered Questions that Should Make Investors Think Twice While the above, and Clintons small lead in the polls, can lead people to a certain conclusion, there are many important unanswered questions. Anyone trading the US election should consider the following grey areas: Q) Has Clinton wiped the email story from voters memories Q) Are the polls wrong because people are too embarrassed to say theyd vote for Trump but happy to vote for him in a booth Q) Has Clinton harnessed, and has Trump alienated, the large Latino vote Q) Is the black vote, which normally has a strong Democrat bias, too disenfranchised to turn out and vote like they did for Obama Q) Can Clintons more advanced ground campaign make up for the fact that shes somewhat charmless, unloved and represents the status quo when much of the electorate is desperate for change Q) Trumps rallies seem to draw a far more loyal and energised voter-based. Will a high turnout favour the Republican Q) Clinton has been far more successful at raising money but after 18 months of campaigning, can the extra firepower be used effectively Its a race to 270 electoral college votes. The following is a quick look at some of the key states: Ohio . the state has voted for the winner of every Presidential election since 1964, including 2012 when Barack Obama narrowly won the state with 50.7 of the vote Florida . if Trump doesnt win Florida then his path to the White House is deemed to be far more awkward than Clintons if she doesnt win the stateLarger Swing States . Florida (29 electoral college votes), Ohio (18), North Carolina (15), Virginia (13), Arizona (11)Smaller Swing States . Colorado (9), Iowa (6), Nevada (6), New Hampshire (4)While California (55) is deemed a secure state for the Democrats, and Texas (38) is deemed secure for the Republicans, there are the more interesting left-leaning and right-leaning states. If these vote unexpectedly then that could signal a big upset e. g. Right-Leaning States . If Clinton wins some of the right-leaning states like Georgia (16) or South Carolina (9) then it might be time to tweet Trump, Youre FiredLeft-Leaning States . If Trump grabs some of the more left-leaning states like Pennsylvania (20), Michigan (16), Minnesota (10), Wisconsin (10), Oregon (7) or New Mexico (5) then the former First Lady might not be breaking any more glass ceilingsWith the polls still close, high volatility and many grey areas there is a lot of risk that comes with trading the Presidential election. If you feel like you really need to take a position, consider a small side bet with a friend. External Election Data and News Spread betting, CFDs and margined forex trading are leveraged products which carry a high level of risk to your capital. You can lose more than your initial deposit so you should ensure spread betting, CFDs and margined forex meet your investment objectives and, if necessary, seek independent advice. Click here to see the full risk warning notice. The information and comments provided herein under no circumstances are to be considered an offer or solicitation to invest and nothing herein should be construed as investment advice. The information provided is believed to be accurate at the date the information is produced. By Adam Jepsen, 8 November 2016 Related Reviews and Guides December 2016 US Rate Rise Seems Less Likely There is certainly speculation around the markets that there wont be a US rate rise in December. The theory is simple. Although the markets didnt have a post-Brexit-like panic. 187 read more . Volatility Warning and Quick US Election Trading Guide The VIX (volatility index) has been hitting its highest levels since the UK referendum and investors planning to trade the US election should take extra care. 187 read more . Clinton Not Guilty: Financial Markets vs Betting Markets Discrepancy The main question for Clinton is whether she can quickly wipe the email story from voters memories. Not surprisingly, both the financial markets and. 187 read more . Hedge Funds Risk-On Despite Danger of Trump Presidency The most obvious answer seems to be that the hedge funds are taking a longer-term view. They seem willing to ride out the possible short-term storm and think the markets will. 187 read more . Traders Ignore 30 Chance of Trump Being Commander-in-Chief If Trump is made Commander-in-Chief then I wouldnt be surprised to see a quick 3-5 fall in the Dow Jones and SampP 500. The dollar could also see a sharp fall. 187 read more . Complacent Investors Ignore Clinton Emails at their Own Risk With Fridays news that the FBI is looking into Hillary Clintons emails again we saw brisk selling of the US dollar, Dow Jones and SampP 500. However, those markets are now back. 187 read more . Classic Trading Signal Suggests Decisive Move at the US Election The US SampP 500 index is showing a classic symmetrical triangle pattern on the one day chart (see chart below). According to technical analysis theory. 187 read more . You are here 187 Volatility Warning and Quick US Election Trading Guide 187 The VIX (volatility index) has been hitting its highest levels since the UK referendum and investors planning to trade the US election should take extra care. 187 Return to Top Contact Customer Support

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